HPE wanted to offer their clients and potential clients a tool to assist them in self-assessing the maturity of their own operational analytics capabilities. HPE commissioned the Operational Analytics Maturity Index Assessment (OAMIA). This web-based interactive tool walked users through ten operational analytics process areas on a sliding scale from 0 - At Risk - to 5 - Best Practice. The tool averaged the user’s self-assessment and then offered the user invites into the implications of their current status and recommendations on how to improve, if needed. Finally, the tool offered the user the option to receive a copy of their evaluation by email, and.whether to be contact by a representative or not.

Screen capture of HPE OAMIA welcome screen

Screen capture of HPE OAMIA starting screen - no parameters selected

Screen capture of HPE OAMIA selection screen - all parameters selected

Screen capture of HPE OAMIA selection screen notes - explanation of parameters

Screen capture of HPE OAMIA selection screen - showing overall score

Screen capture of HPE OAMIA completion screen to request action from HPE